Fun but anxious season

Toka and Bertie He’s back at Adult Swim for its third season, and it’s clear that the series is really finding its footing with its new life on Adult Swim. It was originally developed as an animated series with Netflix before it was unofficially canceled. Toka and Bertie She was soon rescued by Adult Swim for the second season. This second season introduced many new layers to the titular duo that helped expand on the foundation built in the original series, and it was soon confirmed that he would be back for the third. Now that Season 3 is finally out, it’s safe to confirm that it continues to build on everything that came in the first two seasons.

Toka and Bertie Season 3 continues the layering of the central duo that began to reveal itself in Season 2. Beneath the grotesque presentation, bright colors, and fast-paced comedy is a heart and mind that continues to challenge itself with doubt, tension, and unease. The titular duo faced some real emotional highs and lows over the course of Season 2, and now Season 3 is looking into whether those scars really healed while trying to make some new ones.

The third season sees the titular duo at different stages of their lives. Tuca has found some stability for the first time since breaking up with Kara. Since then, she has not only developed romantic feelings for a new partner but has also found steady work that appreciates her effort. All of this stability triggers Toka in ways that she struggles to understand (which makes it hard to maintain that dreaded stability), and so she begins to recognize herself and her emotional boundaries in new ways. It’s kind of the opposite situation to Bertie this season, as her anxiety eventually forces her down the path of stability.

The end of the second season saw Bertie decide to make her own path by pursuing her own business, but the third season immediately challenges that by having her face some obstacles that become more difficult to overcome thanks to her high level of anxiety. It’s basically going on a parallel but opposite journey because Tuca is this season, which is why its central dynamics are now stronger than ever. For example, the end of Episode Three sees them communicating in a much fuller way than we’ve seen in the series before because of how well they understand each other’s feelings.

It was as if the two of them had come to a new understanding that they had not yet realized. This is also a reflection of the two entering into their mid to late thirties. It was dropped here and there during the first few episodes of Season 3 that Touka and Bertie’s relative challenges would evolve to more reflect the complexity of their lives in this era, and it has already begun. This is true for Raqqa as well. He continues to struggle in silence after the literal destruction of his dreams in Season 2, so he’s yet another character who deals with their fears in a unique way.

Even with all these heavy feelings and themes expanding on the threads that fell in seasons one and two, Touka and Bertie Still full of life as before. It maintains a welcome feel of episodic storytelling from week to week, but also continues the threads from previous episodes. I’ve got a pretty good grasp of its central trilogy despite all the weird shenanigans from the rest of the world around them and thus we as viewers are able to follow each of these threads into the heart of the more “vital” elements. It’s a compelling balancing act that makes each new episode full of experience for you to listen to.

For example, Bertie’s snake eats in one episode and becomes such a normal and acceptable part of her life that it is treated as a small, dependable business nuisance based on the previously mentioned concerns. Toka and Bertie He finds the humor and cartoonish nature inherent in these real-world problems while presenting them in such a colorful and eye-opening package. By the end of each episode, I immediately found myself wanting to start on the next. Not only Toka and Bertie Having found her footing with the third season, she is heading towards an exciting future.

Rating: 4 out of 5

Toka and Bertie Season 3 now airs Sunday evenings on Adult Swim, and new episodes air on HBO Max the next day.



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