Camp Cretaceous explains how the famous Barbasol returns to the Dominion

One of the most memorable scenes in the original text Jurassic Park It was Dennis Niedry (Wayne Knight)’s encounter with Dilophosaurus in a rainstorm, which not only got him killed by the creature, but also underlined how his plans to steal DNA from InGen on behalf of Pyocin were thwarted when he dropped a can Barbasol full of samples. The can mysteriously appeared in Jurassic World Dominion With no explanation, despite the final season of the Netflix series Jurassic World: Cretaceous Camp Revealing how the artifact was recovered, it may not be an answer that fans are very pleased with.

Warning: spoilers for Jurassic World Season 5: Camp Cretaceous

in Jurassic ParkNidri dropped the can and the boulders fell, with mud eventually falling onto the can and covering it completely in a relatively remote part of the park. in Cretaceous campDodgson, who originally gave Nedry the can, explores Isla Nublar and finds it in the dirt.

in Jurassic World DominionAs Dodgson (Campbell Scott) prepares to escape from the raging dinosaurs, the enclosure can only be seen in the background of his office and no other explanation is offered for it.

For most fans, this is likely to be a relatively disappointing explanation for the case’s return. Explained in Jurassic Park The embryos inside the can will not last long, so restoring the can Cretaceous camp It serves no primary purpose and may have explained how Biosyn was able to advance its research in genetics. Since the entire concept of the franchise is based on the idea that DNA from dinosaurs was discovered in insects trapped in amber, some fans have questioned whether the canister could have a similar significance in its plot. Dominion.

While fans appreciated the Easter egg in DominionHis brief appearance has raised more questions than answers. Rather than giving any kind of backstory to recovering a can, or even a random character who stumbles upon it, the idea that Dodgson would find a can that was explicitly covered in mud nearly 30 years ago will likely come across as a little complicated, though some Fans will probably appreciate getting any explanation rather than leaving the Easter egg a complete mystery.

Jurassic World: Cretaceous Camp Streaming now on Netflix.

What do you think of this interpretation? Let us know in the comments!



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