How to find Uchigatana

The Oshigatana It has been a cornerstone of many of FromSoftware’s previous games, and Elden Ring is no exception. It provides well-rounded movement range, build-up of blood loss, and always elegance Ashes of War: Unsheathe. While there are many great katana variations found throughout the Lands Between, Uchigatana is a classic for a reason.

It is a powerful weapon and It can carry you through the whole game If you so choose. Even if you leave it for later, the Uchigatana is an excellent early-game weapon for your first adventures in Limgrave and beyond.


“Katana with a long, curved blade with a single edge. A unique weapon used by samurai from the land of reeds. The blade, with its undulating design, has extraordinary sharpness, and its slanting attacks cause blood loss.”

Choose a samurai class

The first and easiest way to get Uchigatana is to start with a name samurai class. The samurai chapter begins with Uchigatana and land of reeds Armor set – along with a few other gear items and supplemental stats spread. it’s a Strong starting class With some solid gear right out of the gate, so if you still need to pick a starting class, you can’t go wrong with a Samurai.

Search for the deadly catacombs

Whether you started as a samurai and like it Dual-use Uchigatanaor you started as another class and just want to get the classic weapon, you want to make your way to it Catacombs touched by death in Stormhill, Limgrave. You won’t just be Look for the Uchigatana insideBut you will also find the mighty assassin crimson dagger A spell and one of the rare Deathroot items scattered across the lands between.

To get to the deadly catacombs

  1. Follow the golden path to reach Stormhill Shack.
  2. From there, chief East / Northeast Above the trampled road. You must come across Warmaster Shack next one. Feel free to get some ashes of war from Knight Bernal while you are there.
  3. Continue east/northeast, following the path as it becomes more defined. You are looking for a ledge along the northern rocky surface to climb. If you’ve reached Saintsbridge’s location of grace, you’ve gone too far.
  4. Once you’ve jumped on and followed the northern ledge, you’ll come across the entrance to the Deathtouched Catacombs.

Where do you find Uchigatana in the dying catacombs

  • From Blessing siteRun down the stairs until you see the sealed boss’s room door.
  • Turn left and head down those stairs, past a skeletal enemy, and into the next room. You will encounter several Redeploy skeleton enemies In this room (and in all the catacombs), so be careful. It’s easy to put down, but You have to hit them When it glows on the ground to prevent it from rising again.
  • Take the stairs down and immediately turn around. You will see a file Small cavity on your leftopposite the western wall. go through it.
  • A thin hallway at the end opens up to a larger room. You will discover a Greve Glufort [1] And the Violet’s grave at the far end. guide through The entrance is on the south side from this room.
  • You will find a file Oshigatana Just forward and to the right, on a The corpse hangs on the edge.

And there you have it! While you’re here, you’ll want to jump and run straight ahead, because the boss’ door lever is in the next room below. Be sure to defeat the head of the catacombs, like Crimson killer dagger And Deathroot are both valuable items.


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