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Asmode announced 3000 miscreants A new engine building board game set in an alternate historical version of the Wild West. In the game, players try to collect futuristic technology from a traveler, who is supposed to be a time traveler of some sort. 3000 miscreants Uses clear cards to allow players to create unique villains with their abilities and activation requirements. Players recruit these miscreants into their combos, which are then crafted and used to group sets of actions together. In each turn, players will place a poker card face down on the board and activate any ability that uses that card. The catch is that players can lie about the card they put on the board. If a player is caught, they will be penalized and less likely to win the game as a result.

The new game will be published by Asmodee’s Unlimited Games, a game studio founded by former Fantasy Flight Games designer Cory Konitzka. Konieczka has been the designer behind some of Fantasy Flight Games’ biggest successes and founded Unlimited Games in 2019 to design “unique gaming experiences”.

In a press release announcing 3000 miscreants Konieczka explained that 3000 Villains were created from my love of card games, engine building and cheating. It started as a deconstruction of what “card” is in the game, and it attempts to turn the genre on its head. I truly believe that this game will resonate with gamers around the world.

3000 miscreants It comes out this fall and retails for $49.95. The game will be available at hobbyist retailers and can be pre-ordered from the Asmodee website.



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