Is the Earth really spinning faster than usual in 2022?

Can the Earth really spin faster than usual? Well, scientists at the UK’s National Physical Laboratory have found measurements that support this theory.

But what does this mean for humanity and why is the Earth suddenly spinning faster?

Although scientists have not yet determined the exact factor that causes the Earth to move more quickly, experts believe that the above phenomenon could have a profound impact on the IT industry.

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Is the Earth spinning faster than usual?

according to data Scientists got June 29 the shortest day ever recorded.

The Earth’s full rotation on Friday took 1.59 milliseconds less than 24 hours.

Astrophysicist Graham Jones wrote, explaining its impact “If the Earth’s rapid rotation continues, it could introduce the first ever negative leap second.”

This means that if the Earth continues to move quickly, we may have to remove a second from our atomic clocks.

But, the Earth’s rotation is said to fluctuate every day and the total time taken can go up and down by a fraction of a millisecond.

Possible factors behind the increase in Earth’s speed

Scientists believe that a number of possible factors may have contributed to the acceleration of Earth’s rotation.

Leonid Zotov, Bezward, and Nikolai Sidornikov Suggest Chandler’s wobble could be the reason for the shorter day. It is a name given to the “small, irregular movement” of the Earth’s geographical poles across the surface of the globe. “

However, scientists have not excluded other factors such as processes in the inner and outer layers of the Earth, tides and even climate.

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What could this mean?

Researchers at dead We believe that a change in the speed of Earth’s rotation or a shortening of days could have a severe impact on technology and could be a major problem for those managing hardware infrastructures.

It will negatively affect programs that rely on timers and schedulers.

Reportedly, Reddit saw one of these massive interruption In 2012 due to leap second. The website wasn’t accessible for a good half hour or more.


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