The second stage of the Supreme Republic reveals new characters

Star Wars: The Supreme Republic The second phase of her streak is about to launch, and as such, we’ll be meeting some new characters. Star Wars is now teasing some of those new characters in the latest update on the official Star Wars website. In addition to some new character excitement, we’re also getting the official opening creep to Star Wars: The High Republic Phase II, and the first chapter of the new phase, “Quest of the Jedi.”

For a quick summary: Star Wars: The Supreme Republic Phase One began with the Jedi Order and The Republic achieved a milestone with the launch of the “Starlight Beacon”, the first extension of a galactic civilization into the vast unknown region of the outer edge territories. The celebration didn’t last long, as the opening of the Starlight Beacon sparked the Hungarian pirate group The Nihil to attack both the Jedi and the Republic. At the same time, the Nihil Society was a destabilizing society with the superspace catastrophe and the massacre of the Just Republic, the dark side was rising in the form of plant monsters that drenching had awakened again and spread like a plague, while Nihil leader Marchion Ro unleashed a special group of force-eating monsters Which is considered a good lethal efficacy. Ro’s plan culminates in the sabotage of Nihil and the destruction of the Starlight Beacon, resulting in the deaths of several Jedi, including Starlight’s marshall (and Jedi icon) Stellan Gios. Now, Nihil is still at large (and at war with the Hutt Clan), the Jedi have staggered as darkness falls, and the Republic lives in fear.

Phase Two of The High Republic will open with some pre-roll stories, which are set 150 years before Phase One – or 350 years before The Skywalker Saga begins. has now revealed the full character design for Axel Greylark, the son of the Chancellor who appeared in the upcoming Phase II novel, convergence.

(Photo: Lucasfilm/The High Republic Show)

convergence It will look at the conflict between Iram and Arnoh, the two planets whose history of war was interrupted with the intervention of the Jedi. The Starlight Beacon was launched as a major sign of peace between Eiram and E’ronoh – but more than a century before this period of peace…

From the opening crawl convergence:

On the planets close to the orbit of Iram and Irunoh, the growing pains of a galaxy with limited resources but unlimited ambition are acutely felt. Their hatred for each other has fueled a half-decade of escalating conflict and now threatens to consume the surrounding systems. The last hope for peace appears when the heirs of the royal family of planet Earth plan to marry.

Before a lasting peace can be established, an assassination attempt targeting the couple leads Eram and Irunoh back into all-out war. To save the worlds, Jedi Knight Gella Nattai volunteers to uncover the culprit, while Chancellor Kyong appoints her son, Axel Greylark, to represent the Republic’s interests in the investigation.

But Axel’s deep distrust of the Jedi sparks against Gela’s belief in the Force. Never met such a bloated and distinguished boy at the party, never met with a more and more earnest unrelenting act of goodness. And the more they work to decipher the mysterious web of the investigation, the more complex the plot seems. With accusations and potential enemies flying in every shadow, the pair will have to work together to have any hope of revealing the truth and saving both worlds.

It has also been revealed that a new Jedi Master character, Silandra Sho, will appear in it Supreme Republic: Find the Hidden City. Silandra comes with the notable distinction of seemingly favoring a shield weapon over a lightsaber: “Jedi Master Silandra Sho shown here in an illustration by Jeff Thomas and based on concept art from Iain McCaig. Like her weapon of choice, Silandra considers herself a shield from evil.” in the galaxy.”

(Photo: Lucasfilm/The High Republic Show)

Could you Visit The changing cover reveals the scale of the second phase of Marvel’s Star Wars: The High Republic comic series. More on this series (which will launch in November) below:

Set 150 years before Phase One, Phase Two of Star Wars: The Supreme Republic will center around Jedha, a planet rich in its connection to the Force and the hub of every major faith in the galaxy. Star Wars’ new flagship: HIGH REPUBLIC comedy series will present Jedi Vildar Mac, who arrives when Jedha’s fragile peace begins to unravel and an unknown terror arrives



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