How to play artillery class

Deep Rock Galactic is a PvE FPS co-op game dwarves They are sent underground to extract resources from the planet Fourth Hoxxes. The planet will struggle to complicate this process with wave after wave of the planet’s native wildlife. It is currently in its second season with plans for a third season announced. Teamwork is critical to the success of the assignment as each classroom has its own unique abilities that encourage cooperation. Each class has a job they need to do, and this guide will cover gunner Class and its responsibilities on the team.

Synergy with other classes

  • Scouts It provides much needed light that allows the gunner to see where the enemies are coming from.
  • The Engineer Grenade Attracts and collects enemies, keeping the heat away while creating excellent points to shoot or throw explosives at.
  • excavator flamethrower It helps prevent artillery from swarming by melting anything that gets too close, and they can dig tunnels that can help turn enemies into a single file for easy killing.


The default guns that Gunner starts with are Leadstorm minigun and the Bulldog heavy pistol. minigun is the main attraction here with Large ammo capacity and DPS output, but the other primary weapons still follow the really big gun theme. As soon as the minigun rotates, a thick stream of bullets explodes Glyvides And shields alike. It doesn’t need to be reloaded, but it can High temperature If the shot is fired too long, you will be prevented from firing again until the gun has cooled. Effective heat management on your minigun means the bullets will never stop for long.

  • muffler swarm: This gameplay focuses on Shoot as many insects as possible, but it specializes in tearing apart the smallest and most abundant enemies. using cold grave mod – killsills – reduce weapon heat – and blasting rounds mod – improves bullet penetration – allows a continuous flow of bullets as long as objects are killed while penetrating targets for more damage. For this reason, it is Not as effective for armored threats The warming will continue to occur with a focus on a larger threat.
  • Titan Tobler: This gameplay focuses on Eliminate major threats This means mission fate if left unchecked. To reach through the larger health shields and bars, the hot bullets Modification – adding fire damage to bullets fired with “red” color on the thermometer – helps deal Extra damage Even if there is no weak point to hit as enemies will still blaze. It requires constant heat control to be used effectively.

The side arms They are all pistols and are more suitable for taking out isolated insects that are not part of a swarm. The gunner is in position Most vulnerable when enemies are nearby Because it is difficult to deal with the small enemy swarms that surround while shooting the miniguns. Handguns are easy to use when in close quarters or on the run, but a minigun will have a gun on hand for the majority of the time.

Gunner also has explosive options for hand grenadeswith sticky bombs that sticks to walls and enemies alike before they explode, fire bombs that dissolves everything in an area for a while grants a denial area, and Cluster bombs which explode into smaller grenades that explode again and clear the area of ​​most signs of life. Each has its strengths and drawbacks, so it depends on personal taste and the type of task.


The shield generator and the zip line launcher are great tools that help make Gunner one of the most perfect classes Single and multiplayer like both tools Single Useful And the Help the team. The shield It can be very useful for spot hold Or save a fallen ally. Firepower and utility make the Gunner one of the most self-reliant classes as it has the tools for most situations.

The shield generator Is that bubble shield too nourishes shields of anyone in it. Great when there are several ranged enemies and one of them falls – or when things get tough and the team needs a break. A shield generator can buy time for take sides And reduce the huge number of enemies without the threat of death for a while. Armor regeneration can be a life saver in no time.

The Zipline launcher Creates a zip line that can be angled up or down giving the gunner a certain level of Mobility This feels great going down but it’s very slow. is hit while on Zipline will result in Falling could be bad, so consider the gap. Ziplines can help the gunner and their team get to it easily Hard-to-reach sites, but they have another use. During boss fights—or missions that require keeping a room or taking place in one large room—slide slings can be awarded Battlefield overview, allowing him to shoot enemies below with relative safety. Layered compact lines set up around the chamber allow the gunner to shoot from a better point without having to worry about crowd.


  • the supplier: It may not seem like much, but a faster resupply can be a life saver during a chaotic wave where Being out of ammo is the worst case scenario. Gunner’s utility depends almost entirely on the ability to shoot. This feature ensures that you get your ammo as quickly as possible so that the slaughter can continue.
  • second wind: Speed ​​is very valuable to Avoid enemy attacks And don’t quit the team. The gunner relies on positioning to shear the swarms, and move faster It helps greatly in repositioning and moving from point A to point B.
  • Thistles: This feature does Damage to enemies who attacks you white weapon attack. Then Second Levelit causes enough damage to Kill the crowd Which can lead to the death of artillery in large numbers. This feature kills small enemies and softens anything that gets too close.
  • Senses augmentation: Always DPS mode and reduce swarms of insects are the most important tasks of Gunner, so Cave filtration or the grabber You can spell death during frantic moments. to be able to Free yourself of shots can keep bullets coming as well as avoid disaster.

The role in the team

gunner removes waves While the team works on goals. Gunner has good tools for protect colleagues or site contractzipline can be used for reach goals And materials that are high, as well as the way Tactical retreat. Set up ziplines that enable allies or yourself to complete the goal, or just Which makes the area more accessible It is a good use of time between waves. Above all, Gunner mainly shoots enemies, so you should be on the lookout Nitra Essential to keep the minigun fed. This class has the most ammo and goes through it, so be a little bit Greed with resupply During big waiting times because running out of ammo is bad for both you and the team because the other classes lack the firepower of the artillery.

role in combat

the gunner standing in front line, providing a steady stream of bullets for any unlucky swarm of bugs trying to stop the team and its target. This chapter has everything it needs to be Completely self-sufficientbut also contains useful tools Help the team survive harsh conditions with shield And the zip lines. Positioning is vital Since firing drastically reduces the speed you can move, choosing the right time to run and the right time to hold your ground is essential because the gun takes some time to warm up before you start shooting.

No other class has the same fixed DPS that Gunner brings on a mission. The Excellent minigun for kill bosses or Push the waves back Both. The Grenade Options are also excellent for Eliminate large amounts of gathered enemies quickly. During large enemy waves, try to stand in front of (or above) allies. Do this not only Avoid friendly fire But it also provides clearest line of sight before the gun spins. The bubble shield It can provide a second wind as well as a stronghold to prevent shooting from safety. In most cases, the gunner should shoot. The Other Categories She is the most favorable towards her Hit and run tacticsand the Gunner holds the line.


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