One Piece producer reveals the anime that saddens him the most

1 piece: red It is the Straw Hats’ next big animated adventure on the big screen, seeing the return of the red-haired Shanks along with the introduction of his daughter Uta. Recently, here at we had a chance to chat with the movie’s producer, Shinji Shimizu, as he talked about the 15th movie from the franchise while also discussing the anime project he was working on that was the most challenging of his career.

Apart from working on red Specifically, Shinji has worked on a number of other major projects for Toei Animation, including the likes of One Piece: Gold, Dragon Ball Z: Battle of the Gods, and One Piece: Dead End Adventure For example, but not limited. In our discussion, Shimizu revealed that he believes the scramble has been the most challenging project of his career, thanks in part to his “tight schedule”:

“I would say One Piece: Stampede was challenging. The schedule was very tight but thank God, the movie was a huge success in itself.”

When Shinji was asked about his favorites piece It was the movie, he replied that Red is currently his favorite, although the previous entry from the Shonen franchise is also one of the things that brings him joy:

“That’s an easy question. It’s red of course. Next, I’d like to say that I really enjoy the Dead End adventure.”

Official description of 1 piece: red From Crunchyroll, who is helping Toei Animation with the global release of the movie, it reads as follows:

“Ota – the most beloved singer in the world. The voice with which she sings as she hides her true identity, is described as ‘Another world.'” She will appear in public for the first time in a live concert. While the place is filled with all kinds of Uta fans – the ardent pirate, the keen-watching marine and the Straw Hats led by Luffy who simply came to enjoy her resonant performance – the sound the whole world has been waiting for is about to resound. The story begins with the shocking fact that she is Shanks’ daughter. Uta stands on the stage, with the normal desire to “make the world happy with my music. There’s Gordon, a mysterious figure who knows Ota’s past, and glimpses of Shanks’ shadow. On Elegia, Music Island, Luffy and Uta meet for the first time since they last met 12 years ago at Fosha Village.” “.



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