Do you find it difficult today in the game Sudoku? Useful advice that will help you solve the puzzle | Games | entertainment

Sudoku puzzle fans are left puzzled by the final challenge that they need to know the useful Y Wing technique. There are a number of Sudoku techniques you can play as well – like X wing And the Phistomefel ring Methods – which will help you solve any puzzle that you have problems with. The Sudoku Y Wing method is another useful tool that will help you get rid of network partitions.

This smart Sudoku technique is explained in the post by

This technique can be used once you have completed the entire puzzle and noted down all potential candidates for each network.

You will be looking for a square in a Sudoku game that you are trying to solve and they are two possible candidates.

This square is called the hub – you will then have to find two squares with pliers.

Like the axle, the tongs also have two potential filters.

You’ll find the tongs in the same row, block, or column as the pivot square.

One of the two numbers you find on the tongs should also appear in the pivot box.

Let’s, for the sake of arguments, call this number X.

Next, try to find where the two tongs squares intersect.

Once you find that box, take a look at the candidates in it.

In this box you should see the number X – which appeared in the pincer – as one of the candidates.

You can then remove that filter from the box, helping you solve the puzzle.

If you’re struggling to visualize this, check out the diagram in this article that shows the axis and disk in green as well as the cross square.


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