Wordle 428 Tips for August 21: Struggling with Wordle? Answer clues | Games | entertainment

Wordle 428 is the latest challenge to the popular word game launched on Sunday, August 21st. If you don’t want to ruin the weekend by ending your winning streak, you might be looking for some tips and tricks to help you out. Fortunately, Express Online has put together some clues and hints to help you solve the latest Wordle puzzle.

Wordle is the daily puzzle game that has taken the world by storm this year.

The rules are simple – you get six guesses trying to solve a five-letter word that changes every day.

You enter your answers in a grid on the Wordle website and each individual box for each letter will flash in a specific color depending on whether you are right or not.

If a box appears yellow then you have correctly guessed a letter that appears in the Wordle answer but is in the wrong position, if it is green it is the correct letter in the correct position and if it is grey, the letter will not appear in that word at all.

Once you solve the last Wordle puzzle, you can share a free infographic on social media showing how quickly you can solve the puzzle – shown by rows of green, yellow and gray squares.

You may have seen these posts appear in your social media feed – if someone got one row green, they could guess the Wordle in one go.

If you’re looking for help trying to figure out Wordle 428, here are some tips and tricks for August 21st…

General tips and advice about Wordle…

• Do not use the same letter twice in your opening guess.

• Try to use a couple of vowels in your first guess, especially “a” and “e”.

• Avoid letters such as “X”, “Z” and “Q” until later, when you have a better idea of ​​the answer.

• “RAISE” is a good word to start with, while “TOUCH” is a decent second guess.

• Check out Express Online’s daily tips below…

Wordle 428 hints and clues for August 21st…

1. Wordle 428 begins with the letter W.

2. Wordle 428 contains two vowels.

3. Wordle 428 means tip – unwanted or unusable material.


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