Coldplay Brings Higher Power in Wembley Final | music | entertainment

Following in Adventure of a Lifetime and Paradise’s lead, Chris Martin’s lyrical “You Make Me Feel Like Alive Again” feels like a massive statement of Coldplay’s pure positivity that makes the nightmare of rescheduling Friday’s show because of the train hits fade away. insignificance. A soothing piano on the classic The Scientist from their stunning second album A Rush of Blood to the Head inspires massive vocals, with 90,000 powerful audiences singing every word.

Moving to the top of the plinth that reaches into the center of the field, the majestic introduction of the cello and violin is punctuated by thunderous drums that reverberate in blissful harmony, with Chris Martin’s graceful lead on stage seemingly effortless.

A gentle shift in pace comes with the piano version of Let Somebody Go, in which the audience listens carefully in quiet silence.

In My Place evokes her central anguish that fuels Martin’s raw lyrical anguish.

Yellow ignites a sea of ​​yellow bangles that lift high in utter glee, to light up the iconic Wembley Arch piercing the still summer sky above.

Martin invites the front half of the audience to turn around and face the back half so they can greet each other and say “hello meet you, see how the stars shine for you” in a warm moment that somehow creates a tangible feeling of widespread intimacy.

Next, a beautiful presentation of Louis Armstrong’s introduction to his classic What a Wonderful World, accompanied by stunning images of nature, as Chris Martin reflects on news around the world and admits that he often wakes up in the morning and “doesn’t feel ‘very optimistic about the future’ before.” The band’s breakout for Human Heart, a song about what makes us all strong human beings.

The watches are eliciting a huge response from the audience, as Martin’s simple, scintillating piano chords sound as powerful as they did when they were released.

A drastic change of pace is provided by an emphatic dance anthem something like this one in which the Chainsmokers appear.

For a massive hit A Sky Full Of Stars, Chris Martin stops abruptly, gives a group talk with the band, and asks the audience to put their phones away and enjoy the moment, to achieve his goal and that of the band to reach the “top of these shows tonight 2.

The entire pitch complies, and the moment is better for him.

As for appearances, a rare audio version of Magic is another special moment, leaving audiences in awe.

Surprise guest and British rap star Stormy is brought on stage to sing a touching duet from his ballad Blinded by Your Grace, Pt. 1.

As sentiment rises and the opening organ chords of Fix You form in the chorus, Wembley becomes a body of beautiful voices, the poetry of the song ‘lights guiding you home, igniting your bones’ helping to repair every soul somehow touched. From Coldplay tonight with a totally unforgettable performance.


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