Top 10 weapons to reduce intelligence

Elden Ring is clearly a 2022 edition. As for any Dark Souls-esque game, the key to an easier gameplay is choosing the right build. Finding one design to prioritize your stats will quickly set your character ahead of the rest.

Magical damage scaling, and intelligence scaling weapon is also a must for any wizard build. In this list, you will see the best weapons to expand intelligence.

10/10 Sword Karian Knight

The Carian Knight’s Sword is a perfect early game and an easy-to-use sword for any player. It can be a perfect starting point for someone who is still figuring out where to take their build in the late game. With only 10 strengths and dexterity required, it can be captured and used by any wizard builder.

Its unique Heavy Attack allows players to hold off attacks for a brief period as long as they have the stamina to stay in position. While many wizards’ structures have weak armor and low health, the extra mass coming from their weapon helps add another defensive option.


9/10 Greatsword Ruins

While this is a huge sword that causes incredible damage to strength, its added magical properties cannot be ignored. Many pure power structures suffer from a lack of damage characteristics, and this weapon’s lower intelligence requirements help it integrate into most heavy power configurations.

Heavy attacks unique to this weapon deal AOE gravity damage attack. This heavy ability doesn’t require FP to cast, instead using stamina. Giving a magical attack that costs stamina makes this a perfect weapon for builders looking to add magical damage to a non-magical structure.

8/10 Crystal Knife

While this knife would be a lesser choice for building dexterity, it makes up for its lack of critical chance with its magical damage. After a full upgrade, this knife gets a smart “B” scale, at 250 base magic damage. With minimal requirements for its use, it is an easy addition to either a small or solid primary backup weapon.

It’s Ash of War, Quickstep, also helps build a squishy wizard. This ash gives you the ability to quickly jump around immediate danger and reposition to give you a quick counterattack or an option to escape.

7/10 Flintstone Kris

Daggers are often used by characters of the quick-killer type, trying to eliminate their enemies with the fewest possible attacks. Without dexterity building, this is difficult, but this dagger helps make up for this lack of instant damage with a relatively good magical measure, which is Ash of War.

Glintstone Dart Ash costs only 10FP to cast. Without the need to switch to a crew, this dagger becomes the catalyst and shoots a Glintstone arrow at your chosen enemy. After casting the initial spell, this dagger has a follow magic dash that helps you get closer to your enemy.

6/10 Great Courage

The weapon that Radan himself used and acquired by trading his memory in the holding of the Round Table. This weapon does not have the usual ability to use two hands, instead it allows you to use the dual weapon. Although two weapons are now used, the extra strength benefits still apply when fighting this option.

Ash of War, Starcaller Cry, is perfect for AOE and battlefield control. This ability propels a sword into the ground, using gravity magic to pull enemies around the player. If you have more ability, the second sword causes an explosion that damages recently drawn enemies.

5/10 Crystal Sword

This straight sword can also be found as early as after Godrick. This is perfect for early builds who know where they want to go. The crystal sword flakes significantly with both physical and magical damage decently while upgrading.

It’s the Ashe of war Spinning Strike, perfect for long physical damage combos. This ashes cannot be extinguished by this sword. Spinning Strike is perfect for crowds of enemies, which Elden Ring offers so much.

4/10 Royal Greatsword

While such great characters have slow attacks, their incredible attack power makes every long animation worth it. This sword has very high attack damage. Upgraded scaling bonuses make their overall damage higher than a late game. This weapon is perfect for building completion and is a great late-game weapon.

It’s Ash of War, Wolf’s Assault great for filling in gaps and fast action. This frost-filled weapon causes an explosion wherever the player falls. Greatsword builds usually hit with slow motions and animations. This Ash of War helps create a mobile superstructure, which is a sight to behold.

3/10 meteorite ore blade

If you know anything about Dark Souls, you know that Katanas have always been on a different level. This Katana mixes quick attacks with high base damage and adds more magical damage to the mix. This weapon also causes blood loss, which is by far one of the most powerful status effects you can apply to an enemy.

Ash of War, Gravitas, drags enemies into a well in front of the player. These destroy enemies and perform perfectly to strike with follow-up attacks with these painful katana combos.

2/10 Moonville Katana

This katana has some of the highest damage you can take with quick katana attacks. With heavy magic gradient, this weapon’s magic damage starts to exceed physical damage in its subsequent upgrades. Adding to the blood loss effect, the katana makes quick work of any enemy.

The unique Ash of War, Transient Moonlight gives the player the ability to shoot blades of magic at a distance towards the enemies. Firing either horizontally or vertically, this provides trigger options depending on what the situation requires. The sword and the magic bow he emits also work as two different attacks, meaning close enemies will be hit twice with this ability.

1/10 Dark Moon Gritsev

While this weapon requires you to finish Rani’s quest for it, it’s more than worth the work. This weapon features massive and physical damage to the base, with the added bonus of frost damage. After reaching the later stages of upgrades, the intelligence gauge eventually reaches “B” above its other range and base damage.

The Ash of War’s unique weapon, the Moonlight Greatsword, makes this weapon virtually unstoppable. To enhance magic damage and frost damage, this weapon now has an infinite use spell for a short time. Heavy attacks now unleash a blade of magic, which the player can attack multiple times before the ashes vanish.


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