Friends star Jennifer Aniston accidentally makes a real phone call in the middle of a scene, and the error spreads very quickly

Classic sitcom on NBC friends The audience has laughed a lot over the years. Even for those like me, who have watched each episode multiple times and can Quote entire parts of the dialogue, the actions of Ross, Rachel, Phoebe, Monica, Joey, and Chandler are not getting old. If the actual show wasn’t funny enough, we’ve been blessed with tons of mysterious blunders from the cast’s contract shooting, and one of them has to do with Jennifer Aniston accidentally answering her cell phone in the middle of filming a scene that’s been going viral on Facebook and Instagram again recently, amusing fans again.

In the season 7 episode “The One With Joey’s New Brain,” Rachel (Jennifer Aniston) and Phoebe (Lisa Kudrow) argue about who’s going out with the cute guy who left his phone in Central Perk. At one point, Rachel called the guy’s phone to prove that Phoebe had stolen it from her, much to Aniston’s surprise. Check out the funny show:


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