Dropping the new PlayStation 5 model in Australia

As stated in the Australian publication Press the start button, a new PlayStation 5 aberration has been released, known as the CFI-1200 model, and fans are already starting to get it. These types of iterative models are not performance or visual design upgrades, but are instead intended to tweak the console’s internal architecture slightly by changing the materials and/or its distribution.

Last year, Australia was also the first to get the then-new deflection of the PlayStation 5 (model CFI-1102A). The build trend of these PS5 deflectors is that they get lighter every time. The original PS5 disc version weighs 4.5 kg (about 10 pounds), while the new CFI-1200 model weighs 3.9 kg (about 8 and a half pounds). The digital version has seen a similar relative decline. One of the more interesting anecdotes that Press Start has relayed is that the CFI-1200 disc edition weighs what the original digital launch edition did.


first revealed in Japanese distributor sitesThe model is scheduled to arrive in Japan on September 15. So far, it is unclear when it will reach western regions such as the United States, Canada and Europe.

Although the slightly lower weight is certainly a convenience for the average customer, the actual purpose of this is likely to facilitate Sony’s manufacturing and distribution. It’s not clear what changed internally for the PS5, but Sony’s chief financial officer has previously noted that changing the console’s design was a potential solution to the worldwide semiconductor shortage. Experts explained how the inner silicone panels get thinner over time, so Sony could theoretically produce more consoles with less raw materials.

Furthermore, although the weight difference is small on its own, it could lead to significant savings for Sony, since consoles are shipped in bulk, and weight is one of the most important factors in terms of shipping costs. However, PlayStation consumers on the other hand, are seeing cost increases. As reported recently, the price of PlayStation 5 is rising in most major markets outside the US, such as Europe, UK, China and Australia.


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