Super Hero helps Piccolo redefine Grandpa’s goals

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero Now making its way through theaters around the world as it has become one of the most successful movie versions of the franchise to date, and one of its best aspects is how Piccolo helps redefine Grandpa’s goals with his new role in Gohan’s life. Piccolo’s father, Johann, and son like the Indus have been one of the biggest jokes among fans when it comes to how close they are to the world, and this bond is put to a real test as the two are key combatants defending Earth against the latest threat in the movie.

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero He puts Piccolo in the role of the main star for most of the movie because he is fully aware of how he needs to push Gohan to unleash the inner strength of his pupil. But before the main battles begin, we get an update on how they live their lives after the anime ends, and it’s been revealed that Piccolo has started training Pan in earnest. Not only that, but he’s become so close to Gohan and his family that he’s now a complete grandfather figure for Pan as well.

(Photo: Toei Animation)

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero He reveals that Piccolo has started training Pan in order to better harness her power. The film specifically sees her training her to fly, and Piccolo is treated as more than just her master. It’s funny that Piccolo has amassed a huge collection of stuffed penguins given to him by the Gohan family. Much like a grandfather, Piccolo said he loved the former and it became the standard gift to give him. Despite his objections, he still receives them happily and is a normal part of their family life.

In fact, Videl is seen calling him when he’s looking for Gohan, and Piccolo is finally the one Gohan turns to when Ban is in danger. It is just a further display of how their bond has evolved over the years to where not only Gohan, but his wife and daughter also view Piccolo as a close member of their family. Hilariously, the same can’t be said about how they watch Goku (who trains off the planet during the events of the movie anyway).

How did you like the new Piccolo role in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero? What are some of your favorite moments from the new movie? Let us know all your thoughts on this topic in the comments! You can also contact me directly about all the moving stuff and other cool stuff Valdezology on Twitter!



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