Super Champion beats Jujutsu Kaisen’s record at the US box office

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero A US box office record holder previously held in another major anime movie released earlier this year, Jujutsu Kisen 0. After its initial release in Japan last December, Jujutsu Kaisen 0 made its international stage debut earlier this spring. It became one of the most successful US (and rest of the world) anime of all time as fans flocked to theaters to see it all go down, and now that success has spread to Dragon Ball Super as it is now making its way through theaters to show off its big comeback in shape as well.

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero It was released in Japan earlier this summer and was a huge hit, and it debuted internationally in theaters last month. US box office totals made the latest movie one of the franchise’s most successful releases to date, and that success has surpassed Jujutsu Kisen 0 in processing. While Jujutsu Kisen 0 It was previously the fourth highest-grossing anime film in the United States, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero He managed to get past this to become the new number four.

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(Photo: Shueisha)

according to new Estimates from Box Office Mojo For the Labor Day extended weekend, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is expected to earn $34,932,582 million to date. Only that estimate alone exceeds Jujutsu Kaisen’s total of $34,542,754 this year, and Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero only hits its third weekend in theaters in the US. This run may not last much longer given that it only ranked 10th at the box office this weekend according to early reports, so curious fans may want to jump on it quickly.

At the same time, this resulted in an impressive worldwide gross of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero With an estimated $77,132.582 million worldwide, even before last weekend’s totals. So eager fans might want to move to theaters fast either way! As for Jujutsu Kaisen 0, it will actually air with Crunchyroll starting September 21. But how do you feel about these two films? Which of the two did you enjoy the most? Let us know all your thoughts on this topic in the comments! You can also contact me directly about all the moving stuff and other cool stuff Valdezology on Twitter!

Via Box Office Mojo



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