Zac Efron Finally Reveals Why He’s Changing His Face… And It Stems From Tom Cruise’s ‘Risky Business’ Performance

IThis is a good reminder for all of us “gossip” aficionados to remember that celebrities are people who go through their own struggles. Zac EfronThe 34-year-old was ridiculed for the sudden change in his facial appearance, and it turned out he hadn’t had any plastic surgery. In fact, it all resulted from a horrific bloody accident.

Everyone remembers Tom CruiseIconic dance in a shirt and stockings from the movie Risky Business (1983). we will, Efron We did something similar, like we all do in the privacy of our own home. He started running in only socks and had a terrible accident that left him unconscious and disfigured. Although, to be fair, he probably wasn’t singing into a menorah stand or blowing out a Bob Seeger a path.

Efron gave a “Tell Everyone” interview about the accident

EfronHe said, 34 years old men’s magazine in that October 2022 Cover story that he slipped, hit the corner of a fountain, fainted and woke up with his “dangling chin bone” on his face. And once High School Musical As he began to recover, his facial muscles had become “really too big” to compensate for the injury. He even had to work with a physical therapist to counteract the growth of his masticatory muscles.

to make things wear, Efron He admitted that he has anxiety issues and is somewhat aloof, trying to avoid large gatherings of any kind. He’s had to deal with a lot over the past years since the accident.



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