Munchkin Digital Coming to Steam and Mobile This Fall

Direwolf Digital announced digital munchkin, Adapted from the funny card game by Steve Jackson Games. Munchkin Digital Set to release this fall on Steam and mobile devices, with cross-platform play available. The game appears to use the famous artwork of John Kovalik as players try to outdo their opponent and collect as much loot as possible. You can check out the game’s trailer below:

munchkin It is a popular franchise of games in which players take on the role of adventurers who are exploring a dungeon. Players kick a door at the beginning of the level and try to deal with whatever lies behind it. These cards range from useful items to curses that deter the player from which monsters to defeat. When you encounter a monster that is too difficult for one player to contend with, they can try to get other adventurers to help. Opposing players often hurl insults at the player when they encounter an enemy, and try to prevent the player from leveling up and winning the game. The first player to reach level 10 wins, as stabbing betrayal and showing up is an important part of the game.

Steve Jackson Games has released several subprograms for munchkin, With many games that make fun of different types of games, movies and stories. Several expansions for munchkin They were also released. fun part for munchkin is that the games naturally synchronize with each other, so that players can mix and match munchkin groups to create vastly different experiences in each game.

Munchkin Digital It will be released this fall on Steam and mobile devices. The price of the game has not been announced.

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