DRAGON BALL SUPER ART Imagine the perfect Cell Max shape

Dragon Ball Super has been at an all-time high lately, and we have its new movie to thank. After a few years away from the screen, the anime has stepped forward with its latest blockbuster, putting Gohan into center stage. Saiyan and Piccolo came together to lead Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, and given the box office gross, its success is undeniable. Fans have flocked to watch the movie for one reason or another, and the big villain has attracted quite a few of them. And now, some new art is imagining what Cell Max would look like if its appearance was perfectly altered.

As you can see below, the art comes from MrTermiDA on Twitter. The shot brings Cell Max to life in a way Dr. Hedo and the Red Ribbon Army could not have imagined. After all, the final chapter of the new Dragon Ball movie unleashed on Android before it even finished its treatment, so its design was far from expected. But if he was allowed to cook a little longer, well – it could have looked like that.

Cell Max is touting a build similar to Perfect Cell here, and needless to say their situation is intimidating. The villain seems strong enough to take a hit from Broly, and that means something. Their glowing eyes make Seal Max more dangerous, frankly? The red and green palate suits them here.

Obviously, Dragon Ball Super hasn’t had a chance to revive this version of Cell, but there’s nothing stopping the character from making a comeback in the future. Dr. Hedo is still around, and while he may have left the Red Ribbon Army, his organized research could help bring the cell back to life. And of course, there’s always the chance Android 21 will come up someday with Cell just to see how her grandson’s android devices compare.

What do you think of Dragon Ball Super Makeover? Is this design suitable for Android or…? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or follow me on Twitter @Megan Peters CB.



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