Family Night Horror Effects Explained

Rick and Morty Season 6 has just released another episode of the series under the horror title, but instead of borrowing from the work of David Cronenberg or films like Cleansing, this time we got paid homage to the many horror movies that deal with the idea that there can be an alternate, evil, lurking inside someone. There is a very extensive list of horror stories that fit into this category – here are some of the ones we discovered.

over here Rick and Morty “Family Night” Episode of Horror Movie Easter Egg Reviewer Explained:

Title “Night Family”

(Photo: Universal TV)

Rick and Morty He’s had several poems in Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone over the years, but in Season 6 Episode 4 “Night Family” the show seems to honor a different work of Serling: night fair.

runs from 1969-1973, night fair Serling was indulging more in horror rather than fairy tale telling. Each week, viewers get a new horror story every week, based on a painting hanging in an old museum exhibit. Rick and Morty He may have done too many fans in favor of turning him on afterwards.

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Opening citation by TS Eliot

When you’re alone in the middle of the night and you wake up sweaty and scared of hell
When you’re alone in the middle of the bed and you wake up like someone hitting you on the head
You had a dream from a nightmare and you have a hoo-ha coming to you.”

This quote opens Rick and Morty’s “Night Family,” part “Part of Agon” by TS Eliot and part of the unfinished poetry drama “Sweeney Agonistes: Part of the Aristophanic Melodrama.” It is unclear why exactly this work – other than suggestive wording – But “Sweeney Agonistes” is itself a nod to Milton’s “Samson Agonistes,” as both works examine themes of violence, revenge, tormented spirits, and even elements foreshadowing female infidelity.

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John Carpenter Music

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John Carpenter is not only the leading filmmaker behind such classics as The Thing and Halloween – he’s also a leading music composer, whose vocal composition has gone on to define much of the Hollywood horror that came next. The Rick and Morty soundtrack to Night Family certainly pays great tribute to Carpenter’s fearsome voice, as the show’s creators confirmed in the episode details.

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scary lights

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(Photo: Adult Swim)

Rick and Morty’s Night Family saga honors any number of iconic horror tricks, from spooky tricks to glowing eyes in a darkened room. The show’s creators legitimately made their own horror short to properly create the atmosphere needed for the episode – and based on fan feedback, it worked!

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As above until below

(Photo: Universal Pictures)

Founded by one of the genre’s strong talents, John Eric Doodle (Quarantine, Devil), this 2014 horror film has his name dropped directly by Rick and Morty, disguised as a podcast soundtrack about having killer abs.

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Another nod to some vague horror from the past. The nocturnal family refers to the Sanchez family as “Daymonoids,” which is about the word “Demonoid.” Demonic: Messenger of Death It is a 1981 Mexican horror film in which explorers find a demonic hand possessed by whomever they touch, causing them to do horrific things.

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night for us

(Photo: Universal Pictures)

Jordan Peele’s US horror movie was all about crazy doppelgangers, and Rick and Morty’s “Night Family” episode clearly quotes this movie’s introduction, tone, and main purpose — right down to the creepy, raspy voices in Night Family.

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The end is doomed to fail

Rick and Morty Night of the End of Family Explained Season 6 Episode 4.jpg
(Photo: Adult Swim)

Rick and Morty Night Family ends with a twisted decision that sees Night Family win. It’s kind of a bad ending that any number of popular horror movies have gone with – though Rick and Morty He pulls off a funny retrograde twist, once Night Family finds out what the mundane life of the day is truly Such as.




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