Social Security Benefits: When Should You Notify Management of Changes?

Social Security benefits Helping millions of citizens around United State. There are generally four broad categories of Social Security benefits, and many Americans claim either one or more of these benefits.

The four categories are designed to assist those who have already retired, those with eligible disabilities, survivors of workers who have died, and finally dependents of beneficiaries.

Who qualifies for Social Security benefits?

Social Security retirement benefits

Those workers who have worked for an extended period of time, usually at least ten years, are entitled to retirement benefits. Individuals must either work in a non-government job, where they pay FICA taxes, or for themselves, pay self-employment taxes.

It is also important to note that if one starts claiming benefits before reaching full retirement age, social Security It will reduce the amount of your benefits by a certain percentage.

Social Security Disability Benefits (SSDI)

In order to receive these benefits, one must have a physical or mental disability that prevents them from working full time. if social Security Determines that the individual is disabled under his or her medical guidelines, and is entitled to benefits approximately equal to full retirement benefits.

Social Security Dependent Benefit

This benefit can be understood straightforwardly, regardless of whether a person is dependent on their spouse for support or not, they may be entitled to benefits from their spouse’s retired or disabled spouse’s earning history.

Benefits for heirs from Social Security

Qualified worker spouses alive social Security Retirement or disability benefits, you are entitled to benefits based on your deceased spouse’s earnings history.

Same-sex couples are eligible for Social Security benefits

On June 26, 2015, the US Supreme Court passed a ruling that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry in all states, which means the aforementioned benefits apples for same-sex couples as well.

What changes should be reported?

All major life changes such as death of a spouse, divorce from a spouse, change of address or living arrangement, income and changes in residence status must be reported to the government in order to ensure that there is no change in the benefits you receive.



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