Marvel fans raise their guns on Daredevil’s MCU return

After a handful of teasers along the way, Marvel Studios has finally revealed an extended look at the return of Matt Murdock from Charlie Cox, who has been sporting his iconic yellow and crimson suit. As with the rest She-Hulk: Attorney at LawThe clip is largely comical, so the response to it has caused a trend for the character across social media. On one side of the equation, you have the fans of the previous Netflix series who prefer the darker adult tones it carries. On the other hand, you have MCU fans who don’t mind being injected into the character.

Whatever the case, Strong woman Lead writer Jessica Gao previously suggested that Cox would be the perfect actor to play the role.

“It really does feel like a character from the comics,” said the writer. “It was so much fun because it really fits into the show so perfectly.” collider earlier this year. “They’re both lawyers, and they’re both superheroes. Who can say they have that in common? It was fun just thinking about their dynamics, based on the personalities of these two.”

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totally ok

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