Christian Bale cherishes the fact that he will be remembered a lot for his role as Batman

While Christian Bale has starred in a number of blockbuster films, there is one role that may be the most famous, the Bruce Wayne/Batman role in Christopher Nolan. The Dark Knight Trilogy. And while his association with one character or role may be a challenge for an actor, Bell says he cherishes the fact that Batman is the role he is most likely to remember. said the actor GQ That Batman is the role that not only makes getting future roles a little easier, but also allows him to fulfill his childhood dream.

“Batman. What a weirdo, isn’t it? Jumping around town at night in a bat outfit. The same way people said to me, ‘Hey, you can’t go play Patrick Bateman, it’s career suicide,'” and I was like “Bring it, I definitely want to.” To do that,” other people said, too, “Hey, you know, if you play Batman that’s it. You will never play anything else again. You will always be Batman.” And she went, “Bring her. Let’s see if that happens.” I’ve always felt that if I didn’t have the skill to be able to rise above that, I didn’t deserve it, either,” Bell said. “I just know and cherish the fact that this is going to be the role I probably remember most likely to most people, you know. Every cause, creative, bigger than life role. But I don’t really consider it to be being stopped in the street. For me, I could have made my house money.” That was a huge relief. It’s been my dream since I was a kid so I really appreciate it. Thank Chris Nolan, no end for that. We went on to make four films together but the fact that that allowed me to make so many more… it took effort. Almost hard for me to realize American PsychoAfter Batman, it’s a little easier for the directors to suggest to me and the financiers to say, “Okay, yeah, we’ll take it.”

Of course, while Bill appreciates what Batman has done personally and professionally, he’s also unlikely to fit in with the iconic hero again anytime soon — at least not without meeting very specific requirements. The actor recently clarified that the only way he would return to the role was if Nolan had a new story to tell — and if not, he thought his time as Batman was over.

“The thing for me is that Chris Nolan and I have always said, ‘If we’re lucky enough to do three, we’ll do three and leave it at that,'” Christian Bale said. inverse. “We were fortunate enough to do three and stick to our word. That’s loyalty. You have to stick to a deal. If Chris comes up to me and says, ‘I have a new story,’ I’m interested. But other than that, I don’t think so.”

Bill will then appear in the upcoming Fox Searchlight release, Amsterdam Which opens in theaters Friday, October 7th.



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