We all want a great Brendan Fraser comeback, ‘but the Bros actor has a problem with that too

This year, Brendan Fraser returns to the big screen, starring in Darren Aronofsky. Whale, which is based on the play of the same name by Samuel D. Hunter. The story follows an obese gay man trying to reconnect with his daughter. Now, Jay Barnum, who recently starred two brothersDiscuss his thoughts on choosing Fraser and the source for the Aronofsky film.

Critics praised the film In particular, the performance of Freezer; Some even say the The race for Best Actor at the Academy Awards may already be over. However, people are also critical of Fraser’s choice as a character. The two brothers spit The member explained that he had “real problems” with them choosing a straight actor who was “not too fat” and had to use prosthetics on Fraser in the movie. Barnum explained his feelings for pride.

We all want Brendan Fraser to make a great comeback. We all want this moment for him. But we also need to think about how much we represent queer life and fat life through straight actors or prosthetics.


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