The developer makes Doom playable on Notepad

Developers love to make the original the death It can be run on new devices. At this point, it’s hard to believe there are any hardware left the death It doesn’t turn on, but Sam Chiet has figured out a way to run the game on Notepad at an amazing speed of 60 frames per second! Chiet shared a video of the achievement on Twitter, revealing that he “did not modify the notepad.exe code at all”, and that “this is directly interoperable, without spoofing.” Chiet also revealed that he will be releasing this version of the death Sometime over the next few days, fans will soon be able to try it out for themselves!

The tweet from Chiet can be found embedded below.

the death It’s available on just about every platform out there, so it goes without saying that this wouldn’t be the ideal way to play it! However, for those who played the death Countless times, this can be a fun distraction; It’s also really impressive how good the Notepad version looks! You can already very well determine what is happening, despite the fact that everything in the game is shown using characters, and the color has been completely removed. The response to Chiet’s tweet above has been overwhelmingly positive, and some fans even joked about trying to beat this version of the game in Nightmare mode.

While this may sound strange to those unfamiliar with the game’s culture, it’s hard to overstate the huge number of platforms that developers have now acquired. the death to run. The game’s source code has been made available to the public since 1997, leading to experiences like this. A couple of years ago, a fan of the game started a load test, despite the original screen and CPU being replaced. Chiet’s achievement is even more impressive given that he made it happen within the confines of actual code!

Are you a fan of the original the death? Trying to beat the game on Notepad? Tell us in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at Tweet embed To talk about all things gaming!

[H/T: PC Gamer]



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