Inside Out 2: 5 Strong feelings I have about the planned Pixar sequel

I felt like Riley from the start inside outside When I knew it would be there Inside Out 2A storm of emotions erupted in my head when I first heard the news. Likes, what or what? that Inside Out 2? Are they free? Do they have any idea what they’re doing? Does anyone please think of ping pong?!

When ranking all Pixar movies, the original inside outside It should be close to the top. if not The higher. inside outside Not cars. it’s not Finding Nemo. It’s scary inside outside! indeed Not need a supplement. Or at least that’s what I am Originally Think. As of now, I’m still all over the place with my feelings, but I’ve grown to accept them a little more now.

However, one thing I can’t stand verbally, but love to do in writing, is share my feelings, and that’s what I want to do with you today: share my strong and slightly angry feelings about how I feel about the upcoming Pixar inside outside sequel. Oy fi. They really got me in trouble with this news.

Bill Hader as Fear Inside Out (left).

(Image credit: Pixar)

Fear: The Original Inside Out is truly a perfect movie and I’m afraid the sequel to this legacy


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