Ilonka and 9 other amazing and unforgettable movie and TV characters Mike Flanagan

To this day, I’ve never been able to predict the end of Mike Flanagan’s work, and midnight club It was no exception. Flanagan’s latest masterpiece tells the story of a group of young people with terminal illnesses and their pact to reach each other from beyond the grave.

If you are a fan of Mike Flanagan’s movies and TV shows, his new series does not disappoint. It was hard not to fall in love with all of Briarwood’s patients, but few in particular rank as some of the best characters in all of Mike Flanagan’s movies and TV shows.

there spoilers Inside, so don’t read this article until you’re done then midnight club. Open Netflix, enjoy the entire series, and then continue. This is a list of the greatest and most memorable characters in the horror film director, including Ilonka and Anya.

Ruth Codd as Anya in The Midnight Club

(Image credit: Netflix)

Anya (Ruth Cod) – Midnight Club


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