6 things you can do with pumpkin guts and seeds

Halloween is just around the corner, bringing with it many traditions from home decorating to trick-or-treating. But one such tradition is a favorite among adults and children alike – pumpkin carving. This is a creative and fun way to celebrate this time of year. The problem is that there is usually a lot of wastage in the process.

For those who don’t eat squash regularly, the guts will be shed without a second thought. This doesn’t have to be the case – so why not take advantage of that guts and seeds and make the most of your pumpkin? If you want some guidance or inspiration, here are 6 things you can do with pumpkin guts and seeds. You don’t even have to love the flavor of pumpkin to take advantage of some!

1. Try pumpkin cooking

Roasted pumpkin pieces on a baking sheet with two small pumpkin pieces nearby

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

First and foremost, both pumpkin guts and seeds are completely edible, so consider using them in your everyday recipes. The pulp is especially delicious whether mashed, roasted, added to soups, or even stock for broth. But keep in mind that these types of pumpkin are not usually used for pumpkin pies. These require “pumpkin sugar,” which as the name suggests is generally sweeter. If you’re new to squash, you’ll find that the flavor is similar to sweet potatoes once cooked, with nutty undertones.


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