Fans of 90 Days Fate have noticed major editing errors in Liz and Big Ed’s bombing battle, which raises major questions

90 days fiancé Fans were shocked by the huge fight between Liz Woods and Big Ed Brown, which began with a misunderstanding at their engagement party. The fight may have spoiled their chances of walking down the aisle, and even their chances of staying occupied. Of course, fans had their doubts about whether the wedding was actually canceled or not Both of them have been seen a lot latelyAnd now there may be some evidence that the fight wasn’t as serious as it seemed. One fan pointed out some editing errors in the big fight scene, which raises some key questions about the entire argument.

Fresh on the heels of one of Liz’s alleged friends He denied that the engagement party was the case Gone is how it was portrayed on TV, Instagram user REWATCH REALITY I noticed a glaring editing error in Ed Willis’ big fight. Take a look at the post below, which notes that several things were missing or moved around on the counter over seconds during the fight:


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