Explaining the ending of Enola Holmes 2: mystery solved, and how the sequel shapes the future

Spoiler warning: The following article delves into the spoiler area for Enola Holmes 2. If you haven’t seen the movie yet, proceed at your own risk!

Just when pop culture seemed to be brimming with new versions of the Sherlock Holmes legend did Enola pop up. Late 2020, Harry Bradbeer Enola Holmes It made it to Netflix, and it proved to be an absolute treat offering fans a fresh take on the world of the world’s greatest detective. It didn’t take long for the sequel to move into development, and now it’s critically acclaimed Enola Holmes 2 It’s Here – presents a new mystery and a completely fatal ending.

The film finds the titular detective searching for a young woman named Sarah Chapman who works in a matchstick factory and has disappeared, which leads her to discover a vast and deadly conspiracy. How is the issue resolved? Enola Holmes 2End and what does it mean for the future? I’m breaking it all down below.

Sherlock, Enola and Twixbury in Enola Holmes 2

(Image credit: Netflix)

How was the case resolved at the end of Enola Holmes 2


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