The southeast coast of Florida was damaged by an abundance of tropical humidity during Election Day

THere is another alert on Florida radar. distance The last devastating hurricaneAnd the Abundant tropical humidity day arrived Southwest coast of Florida It can turn into a storm.

According to experts, a combination of “onshore flow and dome-shaped high pressure to the north shore flow of the system and dome-shaped high pressure to the north of the system” could lead to a severe storm to Florida.

Florida can experience heavy rain

According to the FOX Forecasting Center, Florida you may get tons of rain And the stormy weather can affect Election Day And every week.

“We’re going to start raining in the Bahamas. And then, on Wednesday, some of that rain will start moving to places like Orlando and Miami,” said Kiana Lewis, a meteorologist at FOX. “So, it will definitely be something to watch.”

Which other country might suffer from a potential storm?

Many predictions predict that Florida and North Carolina you may get 40 mph winds across their shores.

People should be alert because 40 mph winds can make it difficult for drivers to get through bridges. Florida residents should too Watch out for tree damage And the Blackouts.

However, after Hurricane Ian Touched the coast of Florida, there are still several rivers in the state high levels From September, if rain falls on those rivers, many communities may be inundated.

Keanna Lewis commented, “If it develops into a tropical storm or not, we’re going to have two very massive days along the southeast coast. It definitely won’t be a week at the beach or a week of fishing.”



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