The She-Hulk Finale scene that director Kat Koiro says was a response to Black Widow, and why

It will never disappear from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Case in point: Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow Perform the ultimate sacrifice in Avengers: Endgame, then finally gets her solo movie (prequel) months later. This can make things confusing when you are trying to watch Marvel movies in order. But narratively, these references and homages to classic MCU characters could go on to live on in future films and TV shows. Just because the character is “off the plate” for the screenwriters doesn’t mean they can’t figure out different ways to bring them back.

This is a recent example. There is a tribute to Black Widow found in the season finale of Disney Show + Strong woman. But it might not be so obvious unless you consider the hero’s original appearance as a SHIELD agent in iron man 2. During a recent press day about the finale Strong womanwe spoke with director Kat Cuero, who remembered working in honoring a widow during an important scene on the show.


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