Wordle 510 Tips for November 11: Struggling with Wordle today? Spoiler-free guides to help | Games | entertainment

As we finally start our Weekend mode, the smart folks at Wordle HQ released a brand new puzzle on November 11th. Wordle 510 is only available for the next 24 hours, so don’t delay if you want to solve the puzzle and keep this precious streak of victories alive. If you’re struggling with Wordle today—and based on social media, there are quite a few—just head to the bottom of the page for a selection of spoiler-free tips for the Wordle 510 on November 11th.

A great game that has apparently spawned hundreds of clones, Wordle tasks players with figuring out a five-letter word in just six guesses.

To master the Wordle and solve those puzzles, you’ll need to pay close attention to the color of the tiles after each guess.

If the letter box turns gray, the letter will not appear in the word you are guessing. If the tile turns yellow, then the letter you guessed is in the word, and not in the correct position. If the color of the tiles turns green, then this means that the letter is in the word and in the right place.

The app keeps track of your stats, and displays the number of correct answers you’ve managed, as well as your winning streak.

If you fail to solve the puzzle, you will have to wait until the next day for a new Wordle to be released. You will also lose your precious winning streak.

Read on for some general Wordle tips, followed by three guides specific to the Wordle 510 on November 11th…

General tips and advice about Wordle …

• Do not use the same letter twice in your opening guess.

• Try to use a couple of vowels in your first guess, especially “a” and “e”.

• Avoid letters such as “X”, “Z” and “Q” until later, when you have a better idea of ​​the answer.

• “RAISE” is a good word to start with, while “TOUCH” is a decent second guess.

• Check out Express Online’s daily tips below…

Wordle 510 hints and clues for November 11th…

1. Wordle 510 begins with the letter M.

2. Wordle 510 contains two vowels.

3. Gold, silver or bronze, you deserve one to find out.


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