How much will Monica and Rachel pay their friends’ rent in 2022 (sans rent control of course)

Monica and Rachel’s apartment in friends It is one of the most famous sites in the history of television. The incredibly spacious two-bedroom home features pretty purple walls and a balcony (even if the only view is Ugly Naked Guy Apartment). As much as it seems that these people in their twenties could have a nice living space – albeit with the help of Monica’s grandmother – what was implausible was the comically low amount they paid for rent each month. Nearly three decades since the sitcom premiered on NBC, what would it cost to live in such an establishment in 2022?

Due to rent stability established in the 1940s, Monica was able to move into her old grandmother’s apartment for the low and low price of just $200 a month. This proves Chandler was right when he commented, in the series finale, that rent control made living there a “friggin’ steal.”


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