The $99 Powkiddy is exploding on TikTok — what’s up with that handheld console?

If you’ve been into TikTok lately, you may have heard of a product called TikTok Powkiddy RGB 20S. This $99 console looks like a Game Boy and claims it can play almost any old game, from the NES all the way to the PS1 and Nintendo DS. And if nothing else, it’s an excellent illustration of why TikTok’s game console recommendations aren’t taken seriously.

I have to assume the target audience for the RGB20S is young adults, who may not be aware of the array of cheap imitations that have plagued the market since the dawn of console gaming. The Powkiddy RGB20S seems to be one of those controllers — and if you have a smartphone, honestly, you actually have a better portable gaming rig.


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