Facts about the Mexican Revolution that everyone should know

MThe exico welcomed the twentieth century with a social explosion later known as Mexican Revolution.

This social movement made historical figures such as Pancho Villa And the Emiliano Zapata Known all over the world.

Most unprotected areas are not matched in Mexico It was due to the economic, political and social inequality in the country, all because of the dictatorship Porfirio Diaz for over 30 years.

What are the main causes of the Mexican Revolution?

Porfirio Diaz has been in power for more than 30 years, told the American journalist James Creelman The President of Mexico said that his country is ready for a democratic transition, words that were taken very seriously Francisco I MaderoWho started his presidential campaign with the slogan “Effective balloting, not re-election.”

Not only were people upset because Diaz had been president for so long, but also because of the great economic disparity, the rich were getting richer and the poor getting poorer. Education was only for the privileged class, who were few, 80 percent of the people living in it Mexico They were illiterate.

In addition to all this, there was no freedom of speech in the newspapers. Dozens of newspapers disappeared under the Daz regime, which did not accept the slightest criticism of its government.

in Mexico There was also slavery, especially in the south of the country where pig farms kept their workers in deplorable conditions, although tiendas de raya were all over the country, in Yucatan peninsula and Quinta Ro They were sharper.

When did the Mexican Revolution begin?

The aforementioned caused great social unrest, which led to an armed outbreak on November 20, 1910 led by Francisco I Maderowho called from the United States to rise up with Plan de San Luis.

Diaz was overthrown and exiled to France, where he died. Throughout the nearly 13-year revolution, figures who fought for social equality such as Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata emerged. Madero was betrayed and assassinated in 1911, and the weight of the conflict subsided villa And the Zapatathe latter was killed on April 10, 1919, while the “Centaur of the North” was ambushed and lost his life on July 20, 1923, the date many historians consider Mexican Revolution is over.



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