Alex Jones fails to clean up Kanye West’s anti-Semitic image: ‘I see good things in Hitler’

Iif you think Kanye West He couldn’t destroy his image more than he already had for the past two months, he thought again. For some stupid reason, I thought it was okay to continue Alex JonesConspiracy Theory Channel InfoWars for an interview. Jones is already doing terribly in the trial he just lost against My parents are victims of Sandy Hook. Doing this interview and allowing Kanye West to be the most anti-Semitic ever featured on his show will surely bury his ratings and ostracize his audience. Jones fans might be, too Republicans And conservatives but they definitely draw the line when Nazis involved, most of them at least.

Throughout the interview, West covered his face with a black mask but his voice was impossible to confuse with someone else’s. Alex Jones It started well with trying to clean up the West’s image and say it wasn’t a Nazi. Kanye immediately started saying that much Jewish People are pedophiles and this is the exact moment Jones I realized he made a huge mistake. You can actually see his soul leaving his body and the fear in his eyes as West starts spouting this shit. everybody Kanye West A space was needed where he could finally vomit up all this hatred against the Jewish people and use it Alex Jones platform for that.

We have to stop opposing the Nazis all the time.

Jones The task was to let West carry out his business First Amendment free speech rights, but he certainly didn’t expect things to get so surreal. He started by saying that there was a Jewish mafia and told Kanye that he was not a member Nazi. Ye Jones’ reply left him speechless: “Nazis She didn’t do many things either, we have to stop demonizing the Nazis all the time. I see good things about it Hitler.

“I love everyone and the Jewish people will not tell me: You can love us and you can love what we do to you through contracts, and you can love what we pay with pornography. But this man [Hitler] who invented highways and who invented the microphone that I use as a musician, you can’t say out loud that this person did anything well. I’m done with it. Every human being has something of value to bring to the table, in particular Hitler. “

If these statements about Hitler From Kanye Sounds familiar since he’s already said it to people in TMZ. It happened during that infamous interview where he also said that slavery was an option for black people. Those remarks about Hitler were so outlandish that they were slashed from the video. But Jones has this First Amendment Politics that could be the end of InfoWars as we know it. Bad move by Alex Jones for the trust Kanye.



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