Why the end of Rick and Morty season 6 could cause a massive split in the fanbase

Rick and Morty Season 6 is almost over, bringing to a close one of the most exciting seasons in the series. Rick lost access to his entrance gun and, as a result, spent much more time with the Smith family than he had in the past. He’s also done some serious work on himself and may be changing as a character. It’s been an interesting ride, but as Season 6 approaches the end, I’m wondering if fans are divided on the upcoming choice the show is likely to make with Rick.

Rick spends the majority of the series being a jaded, cynical, and largely cocky jerk. We’ve slowly seen him try to get away from it this season, and with the end of Season 6, we’ll see if that holds up. What I’m wondering is whether or not this is something all fans want to see, and how they’d react if the Adult Swim series pulled the trigger on a new Rick.

Rick Sanchez pouting Rick and Morty

(Image credit: Adult Swim)

Changing Rick is a huge risk for Rick and Morty


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