Something Tiffany’s: 11 Ideas I’ve Been Watching Amazon Prime Romance

I suppose if there ever was a time for romance shenanigans to appear on film for our collective enjoyment, it would be during the holiday season. With a number of romantic movies on 2022 christmas movie scheduleYou can definitely tell that rom-coms and other movies that focus on lovey dovey themes are very popular this time of year. If you need a break from all of those The Hallmark Christmas movies you’ve been prioritizingNow though, we’ve been presented with another one, in the form of Amazon Prime Something from Tiffany.

The movie, which is based on the 2011 book by Melissa Hill, finds a couple embroiled in a comic mix-up after a trip to Tiffany & Co. I totally enjoy indulging in some of the The best romantic comediesI eagerly watched the movie as soon as it was released this weekend. And you can bet I have some ideas about what happened.

The saleswoman's something from Tiffany's

(Image credit: Amazon Studios)

Tiffany is expensive. Is this really crowded ever?


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