Zoe Saldana net worth: What is the net worth of the Avatar and Avengers actress?

meOutside of Hollywood, Zoe Saldana is known as the queen of the box office, she has been part of the ensemble cast of three of the highest-grossing films of all time. In 2009, she starred in James Cameron’s Avatar. This movie went on to make history as the highest-grossing movie of all time for an entire decade. Saldana went on to make other movies, but she would get another big break when she signed a new contract with Marvel Studios. Her role as Gamora in Guardians of the Galaxy took her to similar heights from her era in ‘Avatar’. Her estimated net worth is $35 million.

How much did Zoe Saldana make per movie?

Over the years, Zoe Saldana has made different amounts of money for each movie she has starred in, it has been a wild ride for her but she has earned a decent amount of money over the years. Back in 2009, James Cameron paid her an estimated $4 million for her role in Neytiri. A movie that grossed nearly $3 billion at the box office. After that, it was reported that she only earned $100,000 for her first role in Guardians of the Galaxy. For Avengers: Infinity War, Saldana earned $3 million. Then, she earned an estimated $11 million for her role in Avengers: Endgame. Both of these movies are in the top 3 highest grossing movies of all time, along with ‘Avatar’. Zoe Saldana stars in all three of them.

Is Zoe Saldana the highest paid actress of all time?

Although Zoe Saldana isn’t the highest-grossing actress of all time, her films have grossed an estimated $11 billion at the worldwide box office. The actress currently filling in for her is none other than Scarlett Johansson, whose films have grossed an estimated $14 billion at the worldwide box office. In the new Avatar: The Way of Water movie, Zoe reprises her role as Neytiri, and she’s reportedly paid $8 million for the role. That’s twice what it achieved in 2009 for “Avatar.” Even though Scarlett Johansson’s movies have made more money, Zoe is still the box office queen because she’s in the top 3 movies of all time.



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