I did 30 lateral lunges every day for a week – here’s what happened

If you’ve ever followed a fitness regimen or spent any time in the gym, chances are you’ve done lunges, or at least watched someone else do them, which is much easier. I do them occasionally, but only the front or back kind; I had never attempted a side lunge until this challenge. It turns out on the first day that there is a reason for this.

This challenging bodyweight exercise is exactly what it sounds like: a lunge to one side or the other (also called a side lunge). Like the basic lunge, it works several muscles at once—the gluteals, quads, hamstrings, and calves—but the lateral movement throws instability into the mix and activates the muscles differently, so it helps improve balance. Even if you regularly do forward or backward lunges, you will feel this for the first few days, especially in the inner thigh muscles (adductors). It requires no equipment, so you can do it at home, though you’ll need more space than you would for a standard lunge (this may be one reason you don’t see it done as often in the gym).


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