The Chainsaw Man’s fallen demon may very well be the series’ best villain

Primal fears come to wreak havoc on humanity’s pages Chainsaw guy Mango. While the second season of the anime has yet to be confirmed, the shonen series continues to follow Denji’s story in a new, dynamic way. With a new heroine jumping aboard in the form of Asa Mikata, aka the new War Devil, Falling Devil just might be the most powerful demon she’s fought yet and just might take the crown for the best villain in the series to date.

warning. If you haven’t been caught up on the latest Chainsaw Man manga chapter, be aware that we’ll be going through spoilers that won’t hit the anime for quite some time. Right off the bat, there’s never been an opponent that looks quite as intimidating as a fallen demon, and given the list of monsters that have sprung from creator Tatsuki Fujimoto’s mind so far, that’s saying something. Using parts of his victims’ bodies, the fallen demon is able to create an aesthetic of the crooked chef, using his multiple limbs to raise a head that weeps tears and has no neck to speak of.

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(Photo: Shueisha)

Despite the demon’s terrifying gaze, the true terror of a fallen demon comes from the vastness of its power. With each demon having its strength dictating how much humanity fears the concept upon which it is based, “The Fall” seems to give this primal fear a serious energy management spin. With many humans having decided to commit suicide in their presence, many of whom find themselves leaping to their deaths from wild heights, Asa is able to avert this fate thanks to the war demon within her.

In fighting a fallen demon, we learn more about Asa’s tragic past and how dark the world really is when a large number of innocent citizens die as a result of demon attacks. It’s an attack on two different fronts, and a fallen demon will likely play her “food” while the chef makes way for an ever-larger demon who seems to stifle her efforts. From the amount of fan art the Chainsaw Man community has created for The Falling Devil, it’s safe to say that the disturbing new villain has been a hit.


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