5 ways bed bugs can invade your home

When it comes to pests, bed bugs are the ultimate nuisance. Even if you know how to get rid of bed bugs, it’s an extensive task which often requires repeat applications. Should one female survive, it can continue laying eggs and soon put you back at square one again. And seeing as bed bugs can live all over your home — not just near your bed, if an infestation gets extensive, it can take a long time to deal with. Leaving you constantly looking out for 7 telltale signs of bed bugs in your home.  

And you will want to get rid of these pests as soon as you can. On top of feeding on your blood as you sleep, causing skin irritations and sometimes infections, they’re not hygienic to have around the home. Eradicating bed bugs can cause such strife, that it’s good practice to know how they spread into your home in the first place. That’s why we’ve listed 5 such ways bed bugs can travel into your home — so you know what to be wary of in the future and how to avoid potential infestations. Try not to itch yourself as you read this.

1. Clothes 

A woman carrying shopping bags in the mall

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

The first and most well-known way bed bugs can spread into your home is via your clothes. These pests won’t travel directly on your skin or hair, nor will they likely travel via the clothes you’re wearing — they’re not fans of our body heat or the aggressive movement. But, still they will happily hitchhike on any alternative textiles, including packed or bagged clothes. That means if your unworn clothes come into contact with any materials or surfaces which carry bed bugs, these pests have a chance to transfer over. And with bed bugs moving at up to four feet a minute, this won’t take long. 


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