7 plants to prune in March — according to an expert

As winter begins to fade and the garden becomes a slightly more inviting (read: less cold and wet) place to spend your time, it might be time to start thinking about getting it ready for spring and, eventually, summer.

If you weren’t already aware, March is a pivotal month for gardeners of any level to prepare their yards for the vibrant bloom of spring. This generally cool, dormant period presents an opportune moment to grab a pair of the best pruning shears and tend to some of the plants you might have, from fruit-bearing apple and pear trees to the ornamental splendours of hydrangeas and wisterias. In fact, here’s a bespoke guide on how to prune hydrangeas. 

This timing is crucial as it prepares plants for a surge of growth with the onset of warmer weather, ensuring they are not only aesthetically pleasing but also structurally sound and well-positioned to flourish. But which plants exactly should you be looking to prune to ensure they are in tip-top shape ahead of the warmer months?


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