Vegas spoils how two main characters are written

William Petersen and Jorga Fox are leaving CSI: Vegas, the last installment in the long-running police procedural franchise. The return of Jill Grissom and Sarah Seidl was a huge selling point in their first recovery season, but they won’t stay that way for long. Petersen only signed on for the first ten-episode season, and Fox later left the show, saying she couldn’t bring herself to break up Grissom and Sidle after all these years. So when veteran Marge Helgenberger returns to her role as Catherine Willows, she’ll step in to fill the void left by her old co-stars.

Petersen will still serve as executive producer on the series, presumably leaving the door open for one or both to appear at the bottom of the line. If that sounds familiar, then it somewhat means how their departure was over the original CSI.

“I personally can’t split Sarah and Grissom again,” Fox TVLine said. “Wherever they go, they belong together.”

And where is this? According to a clip from the upcoming second season premiere, which is also being hosted by on TVLine, Answer, on a boat near the Arctic Circle. This little tip appears as two techies, excited to meet Willows, and speculate whether she’s called Grissom and Sidle for insider information on the team she’ll be transitioning to.

Season 2 of CSI: Vegas kicks off on a new night — this Thursday at 10 p.m. EDT/PT on CBS — with an episode centered on the murder of Dominatrix who is found near her secret sex cell.

Maxine Robbie (Paula Newsom) and Joshua Folsom (Matt Luria) head up the lab in the new season, along with returning Helgenberger. HellstromAriana Guerra and Lex Medellin (Drop Dead Diva) They join the series as Serena, the CSI who “don’t just let science lead the way without some sassy comments and tough questions”, and Beau, the most qualified CSI level one ever. Sarah Amini future Man On the plane as the medical examiner, Sonia, while The wonderful Mrs. Maisel Vet Joel Johnston plays Sonia’s brother Jack and an assistant medical examiner.



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