The “Crazy Frog dead” trend on Twitter is even funnier than CGI itself

Can a cartoon character die? Well, social media users have a lot to say about Crazy Frog, aka The Annoying Thing, who dies over the weekend and comes back to life..

‘Crazy Frog dead’ is the latest Twitter buzz as fans of the popular CGI character saw his death was announced on a fan page.

Now, social media users have come up with some funny stories to explain Crazy Frog’s supposed death and rebirth.

Photography by David Lodge / Film Magic

How the ‘Crazy Frog Dead’ trend started

Crazy Frog may not be real, but people really feel it.

A large number of Twitter users became engrossed in the conversations surrounding Crazy Frog after a tweet from the account CrazyFrogInfo on April 17.

tweet Read: “The crazy frog has died.”

the following mail He said, “I will follow up with updates if/when I get confirmation.”

The trend has gained momentum when dealing with the official Crazy Frog replied to the original post. “I don’t think so,” the tweet read, conveying to fans that he is alive.

This isn’t the first time that Crazy Frog has been presumed dead. The Twitter account was behind the latest tweet claimed “Crazy Frog Died” in another tweet from June 22, 2021.

Therefore, fans were quick to realize that the same joke was repeated about a year later.

The birth of the new Annoying Thing sparks hilarious tweets

The running teaser on Twitter is backed by funny theories as Crazy Frog fans are celebrating his birthday, even though the CGI character was never or could ever die.

We think Crazy Frog is incredibly funny but these tweets below might be a little more entertaining.

Funny one Twitter user books: “Yeah, he just got arrested by Interpol, that’s okay. Crazy Frog was lying about his death. I don’t know why.”

“Three days later a crazy frog rose from death,” another joking.

One chirp: “Thank God you didn’t die, it’s an Easter miracle”

“I thought they were shot for tax evasion,” was one of the funny theories Twitter user.

Another fan chirp: “Breaking News: Crazyfrog Found Deadly – Suspected Ugly Play 12”

“Crazy Frog was shot and killed in a gang shootout in Miami,” joking else.

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Who Created Spanish CGI?

Crazy Frog was created by actor and playwright Erik Wernquist in 2003.

The character has gained prominence around the world with its cover by Axel F. popcornIt was a worldwide chart success as well.

The character has continued to inspire many songs and an array of merchandise and games over the years.

one called cheater It was released on December 10, 2021, after a 13-year hiatus.

In other news, the release date for Chapter 1047 of One Piece has been confirmed after a short manga break


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