How to use the Sleep app on your Apple Watch

Sleep tracking is a relatively new feature on Apple Watch, including the latest Apple Watch Ultra and Apple Watch Series 8. Previously only possible through a third-party app, you can now track your sleep directly from the built-in Sleep app. You can also do things like set bedtime and wake up reminders.

The Sleep app uses your motion to provide detailed sleep data, including not only when you fell asleep and how long you slept but also how much time you spent in REM, core, and deep sleep. You’ll also see periods of wakefulness throughout the night, which are common even if you don’t remember them. Over time, you can review your sleep trends and find ways to improve.

How to set up sleep tracking on your Apple Watch

  1. go to Sleep application on your Apple Watch.
  2. handle bed time And choose your preferred time to go to bed each night.
  3. To set the time, slide the Digital Crown up or down.
  4. Click on the green checkmark For confirmation.
  5. tape I wake up Choose your preferred time to wake up each morning by following the same instructions above.
  6. Click on the green check mark For confirmation. You can also choose to set an alarm.

How to view sleep data on your Apple Watch or iPhone

Apple Watch sleep data is intended to help you learn more about your sleep habits. It estimates how much time you spend in bed and how much time you sleep by analyzing changes in your physical activity as well as movement throughout the night. Note that if you are sitting on the couch watching TV for a long time, your Apple Watch may mistakenly think that you are asleep. But for the most part, it works just fine. Here’s how to view your data:

  1. go to Sleeps program.
  2. Swipe up to see analysis from the previous night’s sleep. This also indicates the time you went to bed and the time you got up.
  3. Swipe up to see the time you spent on each file stages of sleep. This is displayed as a color-coded graph with a legend at the bottom showing Awake, REM, Core, and Deep.
  4. Swipe up again to see a file sleep trends during the last 14 days.
  5. Note that you can set up a sleep schedule and view your stats from within a file Health app On iPhone too. Open the app and tap Sleepsand revision.
  6. He chooses Show more sleep data View full details on stages of sleep.
  7. handle comparisons To see your typical heart rate, breathing rate, and the temperature of your wrist while you’re asleep, too. The graph shows how this fluctuated at different times of the night. You can view these trends by day, week, month or six-month period by selecting the respective option from the top menu.

How do you interpret your sleep data?

Whether you’re looking on your Apple Watch or iPhone, you can see your data. But what do all these numbers actually mean?

First, you need to know that there are four main stages of sleep:

  • Awake: This tracks when you wake up for short periods throughout the night, which can range from a few seconds to a few minutes. It’s completely normal and most people don’t even realize they’ve been awake since they go back to sleep shortly after.
  • Rapid eye movement: During this stage, which is indicated by rapid eye movement (REM), learning and memory work overtime. Relax your muscles and your eyes move quickly from side to side under your eyelids. During this period, you will enjoy dreams.
  • essence: Also known as light sleep, primary sleep is when you’re asleep, but your brain is still working hard to process information. You haven’t fallen into a deep sleep. Basic sleep is important and often accounts for the majority of your night.
  • deep: It is important to get enough sleep as it is needed for the repair of body tissues and the secretion of hormones. This is also referred to as slow wave sleep and will usually occur during the first part of your sleep, after which you slowly transition into the other stages. When it’s hard to wake up, it’s probably because you’re in a deep sleep.

The amount of sleep each person needs varies from person to person, so it’s best to consult your doctor or other medical professional for insight if you have concerns. Also important is that you maintain a consistent bedtime and wake-up time, have a healthy mix of all four of these sleep stages, and feel rested and refreshed in the morning.

You will also see an “In Bed” number which indicates the time you actually lie in bed but does not necessarily indicate the amount of time you sleep. To see this, you need to look at the sleep period, which is a shorter length of time – how much shorter depends on how long you sleep.

Other tips for using the Sleep app

Creating a simple bedtime and wake-up schedule is a great way to start. You can create multiple schedules on your Apple Watch, such as one for weekdays and one for weekends. You can also set up a specific schedule for when you’re on vacation in the Health app. You can change these schedules at any time using your Apple Watch or the Health app on your iPhone.

Also, make sure your Apple Watch needs to have at least 30% battery before you tuck it in at night for sleep tracking to work.

Finally, there’s Sleep Focus to limit distractions, like incoming notifications, while you’re in bed to help ensure you get a good night’s sleep. In the Health app, select Customize focus while sleeping If you want to allow certain people or apps to access you even when focus is on sleep mode.

Sleep tracking is an important feature you’ll find on the best smartwatches, and it’s really easy to set up and review data from your Apple Watch as soon as you wake up each morning.


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