Wordle 347 Jun 1 Hints – Struggling with Wordle today? Three clues to help answer | Games | entertainment

Thanks to a couple of bank holiday bonuses, the work week is almost over, and there’s a whole new Wordle puzzle to solve. Wordle 347 is only published on June 1st, so you better hurry if you want to keep your winning streak alive. If you’re struggling to solve the latest version of Wordle, and you’re worried about the aforementioned streak of victories coming to an end, scroll to the bottom of the page for a bunch of spoiler-free tips and clues. Good luck and God bless you!

You probably already know how to play Wordle, but if you’re new to the game and don’t know how it works, here’s a quick summary.

Players are given six chances to learn a different five-letter word each day. You will need to use elimination to solve the puzzle, which means pay attention to the color of the tiles.

For each guess, letter tiles will appear in one of the three colors. If the color of the square turns gray, the letter will not appear in the word you are guessing.

If the tile turns yellow, then the letter you guessed is in the word, and not in the correct position. If the tile turns green, then the letter is in the word and in the right place.

If you really want a challenge, Wordle features a hard mode, which prevents players from guessing which letters have already been left out. However, this is risky, because if you fail to solve the puzzle, you will have to wait until the next day for a new Wordle to be released.

Read on for some general Wordle tips, followed by three guides specific to Wordle 347 on June 1…

General tips and advice about Wordle …

• Do not use the same letter twice in your opening guess.

• Try to use a couple of vowels in your first guess, especially “a” and “e”.

• Avoid letters such as “X”, “Z” and “Q” until later, when you have a better idea of ​​the answer.

• “RAISE” is a good word to start with, while “TOUCH” is a decent second guess.

• Check out Express Online’s daily tips below…

Word 347 Hints and guides for June 1st…

1. Wordle 347 begins with the letter C.

2. Wordle 347 contains two vowels.

3. Be careful where you step, these wooden planks make a lot of noise.


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