March for Our Lives is spreading nationwide as citizens tired of strict gun laws are demanding

a mass crowd known as “A march for our livesIt hits some of the biggest cities in United States of America This Saturday. cities like New York, Chicago, Parkland, Uvald, Buffalo Many gathered to walk the streets, calling for rationality gun laws. For many years, the US government maintained a battle between both parties where the Republicans were clearly supported by National Rifle Association (NRA).

There is a lot of money involved in politics these days, especially from organizations like NRA that push their agenda on politicians. Citizens across the country agree that they all need stricter gun laws that will prevent anyone from buying a firearm so easily.

Currently, a minor person can go to a gun store and buy an assault rifle without any sort of regulation or background check in so-called “safe harbor situations.” But recent events in Buffalo, New York and Ovaldi, Texas Make most of the country come to terms with reality.

Children are being slaughtered on a weekly basis while these gun laws are no more strict than they are now across the country. Even Republicans who like to own guns understand the seriousness of this issue because they have marched so much for stricter gun laws in the United States. United State. The whole country is united on this cause and yet the Republican Party still refuses to cooperate.

The fear of being shot almost leads to a massive stampede.

Such a huge event was bound to attract some happy trigger supporters just for the kicks. in New York CityA young man jumped on stage to protest the march by revealing that he carried a gun with his statement. Naturally, some of the crowd got frightened and many started running for their lives.

The people in the back couldn’t understand what was happening, they were obviously afraid of a heavy gunfire It was about to happen. Fortunately, the public spokesperson convinced them that everything was fine and the event continued as scheduled. The man who protested was soon subdued and taken to the authorities to destabilize the event.



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