Destiny 2’s mid-season weapon tuning preview reveals buffs and Nerfs

Destiny 2’s primary weapons will have better efficacy while shooting in the airborne state, as Bungie reduces the airborne accuracy penalty and aim assist in an upcoming weapon tuning update.

Today is Thursday, and Destiny 2 fans already know they have a blog to read on Bungie’s official webpage. In this week’s TWAB post, Bungie revealed some upcoming changes to basic weapons. The plan includes significant improvements to all weapons for aiming and shooting while in the air.

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By affecting both PvE and PvP modes, Bungie acknowledges that these changes will transform metadata in Crucible and other competitive modes, however, the development team is confident about the weapon’s tuning, and believes it won’t be followed by a loss of power soon after it goes live.

Below, you can check out a preview of the patch for upcoming weapon changes:


  • Airborne efficacy:
    • Airborne Basic Accuracy and Aim Assist have been improved for all primary weapons.
    • A fixed airborne effectiveness boost has been added to some existing perks.
    • Raised AE base code on many exotic weapons.
  • Adjusting some of the primary weapon subfamilies to underperform in PvP.
  • Increased pellet damage in PvE.
  • Increased ammo for each brick special for Glaives, Forerunner, and Ariana’s Vow in PvP.
  • Line Fusion Guns no longer receive more eyelashes in PvE (you will continue to receive more eyelashes in PvP).


  • Tuning some exotic items that are over-performing in PvP.

The notes above show the short version of the changes to the weapons. If you want to read all the details and stats, we suggest you visit This link and check out all the deets for mid-season weapon tuning in Destiny 2.

Currently, there’s no official release date for the aforementioned changes, but you can expect them all to air a month or so before Season 18 launches.

As we get closer to launch, Bungie will share more in-depth changes around weapon tuning, but even with current data, you can probably guess what you’ll need for competitive matches when the aforementioned changes take effect.

Aside from the weapon tuning, this week TWAB also revealed the return of the Grandmaster Nightfall activity, which will be available from July 5th at the time of the weekly reset.


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